About us
In France, we are pioneering large-scale creation of technological startups emanating from public research
Beyond scientific boundaries
We accelerate technology transfer from laboratories to market
Linksium's expertise is dedicated on risky step of startups departure and upstream phases of the development of technological innovation projects. Linksium provides a wide portfolio of technologies which pushes back scientific boundaries.
Efficient large scale creation
15 deep tech startups every year
Our multidisciplinary portfolio is covering the following fields:
- Biotech & Medtech
- Quantum, Digital, Nano & Microelectronics
- Energy & Environment
- Chemistry & New Materials
- Inclusive Society
Our background
A state-owned private company
Linksium has a €57M commitment from the government over 10 years, and is also supported by the Auvergne Rhône Alpes Region and Europe (FEDER). Its shareholders are Université Grenoble Alpes, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Grenoble INP, CEA, CNRS, INRIA and Bpifrance. Linksium is part of a national network of 13 regional companies technology transfer accelerators (SATT)