Amiral Technologies specialised in predictive maintenance… | Linksium
Dd amiral 2018 Frenchweb

Amiral Technologies, la startup IA grenobloise spécialisée dans les solutions de maintenance prédictive, intègre Station F

An ambitious promise: to invent a zero-defect and zero-downtime future for industry. Amiral Technologies, a startup co-founded and boosted by Linksium, based on the technological prowess of the Grenoble region in AI and automated systems (UGA’s Gipsa-lab), quickly convinced Station F to accept it for its ultra selective acceleration programme.

Interview with Katia Hilal, CEO of Amiral Technologies at Linksium. Interview hosted by Déborah Donnier and prepared by Mary Grammon, both Frenchweb journalists.

Grenoble’s AI deep tech joins Station F

An ambitious promise: to invent a zero-defect and zero-downtime future for industry. Amiral Technologies, a startup co-founded and boosted by Linksium, based on the technological prowess of the Grenoble region in AI and automated systems (UGA’s Gipsa-lab), quickly convinced Station F to accept it for its ultra selective acceleration programme. The deep tech firm has developed an algorithm that reinforces vigilance and learns very quickly to preserve industrial production. Detection of abnormal machine behaviour, detection of signs of ageing, prediction of machine lifespan, etc. These are just a few of the possible applications. You can visit the Amiral Technologies stand at CES Unveiled Paris, on 3 October, and find out more about the startup’s progress in 2019. A solution to enable industrial operators to guarantee the quality and output of their production lines using artificial intelligence, explained Katia Hilal, CEO.

Artificial intelligence technology transfer

Amiral Technologies is a startup created in May 2018 with support from Linksium for a maturation phase, then another incubation period, and a stake in its capital. Technology from the GypasLab (CNRS/ Grenoble INP/UGA); technology transfer by CNRS.

NB: On 16 October 2018, Amiral Technologies received the jury’s special prize at the Digital Industry Awards for international industrial stakeholders seeking practical solutions in the field of Artificial Intelligence.


Preventive maintenance via the emergence of discriminating properties for Machine Learning algorithms

See the project record