Linksium helps researchers to transfer technologies,… | Linksium

Linksium helps researchers transfer technologies and create businesses

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To turn research results into innovative solutions,

we provide researchers with:

  • 100% personalised support
  • Financial support, which might enable recruitment of an engineer or a PhD for the research laboratory,
  • Access to the SATT’s network and tools

What results can be expected? Identify applications and the potential market, build a demonstrator, consolidate of intellectual property rights, formof a transfer team.

The success of this first stage, called maturation, enables all the necessary conditions to be fulfilled to generate value from the technology, either by creating a startup (incubation) or via transfer to industry (commercialisation), depending on the strategy preferred.

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  • Market
  • Technology
  • Intellectual property
  • Team


This involves meeting potential users of your technology, understanding their needs, expectations, constraints and uses before selecting a priority application. This task is conducted during meetings at specialised exhibitions or specific market surveys, as well as industrial events. It enables the specification for the demonstrator to be developed and then adjusted during the maturation stage.

Eligibility conditions

Researchers, engineers, PhDs, PhD students at the end of their thesis


Link with a public research lab in Grenoble Alpes

Your project is based on research results from Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble INP, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, INRIA, CEA or INRAE.


Research results available for value generation

The innovative nature is proved and protected by intellectual property rights or a statement of invention. Ask your valorisation department!


Laboratory proof of concept

Your research results have already been demonstrated by a laboratory proof of concept (at least TRL 3). Validate the maturity of your technology with us.

Do you have a project?

Let's talk about your project
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Creating a startup to generate value from research work is an option that is attracting more and more young researchers. This trend is confirmed by Linksium’s experience. Overview

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