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Old drugs for new medicines

profilePhoto   Laurène El Bahhaj
Linksium Contact Laurène El Bahhaj +33 (0)7 76 23 29 19 laurene.elbahhaj@linksium.fr


  • Time reduction to market a molecule
  • Time reduction for clinical phase tests
  • New antiparasitic molecules

Key words

  • Drug repurposing
  • Toxoplasma
  • Target deconvolution


  • IAB


  • CNRS
  • UGA

Linksium Continuum

  • Maturation


Drug repurposing and target deconvolution strategies are actually used by pharmaceutical industries to accelerate the process of drug discovering and the time to market a molecule. A problem which concerns every therapy and associated diseases.


The entire process is based on the Toxoplasma gondii parasite model. It includes a large phenotypic screening of molecules with antiparasitic activity, followed by genetic approaches, in vitro and in vivo drug-target interaction analyses, to identify the molecular target and the mechanism of action.


The Toxoplasma model enables to analyze both parasitic and human cells. The use of different technologies and the expertise of our team produced a reliable process for drug discovering and target deconvolution. For clients, costs and timings will be reduced by a technology “ready to use”.

State of progress

Although the POC is described in different scientific publications, the validation of the molecular screening and the target-deconvolution process is ongoing to patent new “drug-target” couples and consolidate the IP portfolio. Two public fellowships (ANR, FRM) enable to support the project.


  • Safety and efficiency tests on molecules before passing to the clinical phases
  • Drug repositioning for zoonoses
  • In vivo efficiency, toxicity and intestinal permeability tests
  • Chemical modification of molecules to increase their safety and efficiency for the described inhibitory pathways.

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