Giving access to tissue parameters within active ingredient screens

Key words
- Cell Biometry Physiological Tissue Engineering
- Drug discovery: Lead validation
- Dermato-Cosmetology
- Onco-pharmacology
Intellectual Property
- 4 patents
- 1 software
Linksium Continuum
- Maturation
- Incubation
Formulation in dermato-cosmetic as well as drug discovery in onco-pharmacology are facing a lack of reliable dedicated tests. This is particularly the case for evaluation of skin firmness and inflammation for dermato-cosmetics or the analysis of cell dissemination and chemo-resistance in onco-pharmacology.
Based on ten years development of tissue engineering at CEA, LifeArchitects offers a set of miniaturized cell-based assays providing access to advanced biometry of physiological processes involved in cell aging, inflammation and cancer progression. These next-generation tests include imaging and measurement of cell contractility and EMT process.
None of the available methods leads to measure the orientation and amplitude of cell contractile forces affected by skin aging, nor the biometry of the EMT process involved in inflammation and tumor dissemination. LifeArchitects proposes cell based assays specially designed for these analyses as well as custom assay development.
State of progress
Developed since 2008, thanks to 4 ERC grants and a Labex support, our cell based assays have already demonstrated their relevance, robustness and reliability in POC studies with Institut Curie, CEA, CLARA Canceropole: A. Puisieux (CRCL director) and C3D (drug discovery platform).
LifeArchitects aims to become the cell biology CRO offering innovative cell-based assays reproducing the complexity of cell architecture to access specific and targeted tissue biometrics for the detection and characterization of new compounds. LifeArchitects is aimed at dermato-cosmetic, onco-pharmaceutical and biotech companies.