YONA Robotics | Linksium
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YONA Robotics


Thanks to navigation perception software for complex environments

profilePhoto   Numa Schenone
Linksium Contact Numa Schenone +33 (0)7 78 09 11 94 numa.schenone@linksium.fr
Visuel YONA


  • Certification
  • Robustness
  • Unstructured environment

Key words

  • Mobile robotics
  • Probabilistic robotics
  • Symbolic AI
  • Sensor data fusion

Intellectual Property

  • 3 patents
  • 15 software



Linksium Continuum

  • Maturation


The development of mobile robotic systems offers many advantages, but how can they be massively deployed in industry? We're talking here about autonomous vehicles, or autonomous mobile robots, which move efficiently in complex, dynamic environments, requiring specific technologies and skills that are difficult to acquire.


To address this issue, the Yona Robotics project offers manufacturers a complete software package dedicated to mobile robotics, including software for perception and navigation in complex dynamic environments, risk analysis and decision-making.


The advantages of Yona's approach are the certifiability of the software based on human-created models, optimized obstacle avoidance trajectories in a dynamic or even unknown environment, object recognition, the robustness made possible by the probabilistic approach, and finally the reduced cost of integration and integration support.

State of progress

Software package for real-time performance on embedded computing boards, deployed in various mobile robotics use cases (cars, automatic shuttles, small micromobility vehicles, industrial handling robots, intelligent infrastructure). TRL 5


There are numerous applications such as industrial robotics (handling, logistics), agricultural robotics, inspection robots, service robots, drones, autonomous vehicles and driver assistance software.

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