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Incorporated startups

Keeping your horse close to you

profilePhoto   Jean-Philippe Gendre
Linksium Contact Jean-Philippe Gendre +33 (0)6 03 37 38 40
ANIMALINKS Sébastien Dubois, CEO +33 (0)6 75 77 80 79
160120 COHO


  • Monitors the horse at rest
  • Knowledge of the horse
  • Risk prevention
  • Improves comfort

Key words

  • Horse
  • Safety
  • Health
  • Connected

Intellectual Property

  • 1 software


  • LIG


  • CNRS
  • UGA

Linksium Continuum

  • Incubation
  • Acceleration


  • Incorporated startups


Coho offers all horse owners secure access via their smartphones to a set of data related to the environment of their horse in its stable. This data, once analysed, will enable owners to be as close as possible to their horse and improve its health, safety and comfort.


The Coho solution is based on the use of different sensors enabling the measurement of different parameters analysed by special algorithms and transmitted to the users.


The Coho solution will enable horse owners to be close to their animals wherever they are and to monitor them more effectively.

State of progress

The Proof of Concept of the technology has been demonstrated. Pre-series marketing since summer 2019.


Coho enables horse owners to extend their relationship with their animal beyond the stable by providing them with detailed information about their horse.

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