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From powder to bolometer core: purify to detect

profilePhoto   Numa Schenone
Linksium Contact Numa Schenone +33 (0)7 78 09 11 94 numa.schenone@linksium.fr
PULMO 190043


  • Securing the European sector
  • High-quality
  • Reproducibility of the crystals

Key words

  • Purification
  • Crystal growth
  • Recycling
  • Shaping

Intellectual Property

  • 4 knowhow

Partnerships & Rewards

  • Région Auvergne Rhône Alpes




  • CNRS
  • UGA

Linksium Continuum

  • Maturation


Contribution to the discovery and understanding of the ultimate components of matter (neutralino, neutrons, neutrinos, …) and to the technological resilience and sovereignty in Europe in the realm of nuclear safety.


  • Purification of raw materials, possibly enriched with expensive and geostrategic isotopes, necessary to grow the core of heat-scintillation cryogenic bolometers used in the rare events detection.
  • Crystal growth of bulk components complying with stringent specifications in terms of radiopurity, shape, optical transparency, crystalline quality, scintillation yield, isotope recovery mass yield and production and delivery schedules.


  • Upscaled purification efficiency with a 93% mass yield and only 2% matter losses.
  • Fast growth of bulk single crystalline components with growth load recycling.
  • Low cost crystal growth technology (equipment, cooling, electrical consumption).
  • Know-how protection in a sector where the evolution of the analytical technologies will not permit easy reverse engineering.

State of progress

  • Strong international demand to be satisfied in short time.
  • Purification and crystal growth processes @ TRL3, now in the upscaling phase for the forthcoming assembly of the technological building blocks.


  • Purification and recycling of expensive isotopes.
  • Heat-scintillation cryogenic bolometer cores.
  • Substrates for moderate temperature (T£650°C) thin layer deposition techniques.

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