High precision dimensional mapping device

- Thickness mapping
- Micrometric accuracy
- Non contact measurement
Key words
- Optical sensor
- Thickness measurement
- Topological imaging
- Heterogeneous materials
Intellectual Property
- 1 patent
Linksium Continuum
- Maturation
In the field of dimensional metrology, there is currently no satisfactory solution for imaging the thickness of highly heterogeneous and potentially fragile or deformable objects with micrometric accuracy.
The ThickMap technology is based on the use of two coaxial laser micro-beams positioned on both sides of an object and allowing a local measurement of the thickness without contact. The object is scanned between the two micro-beams to reconstruct a thickness map.
The ThickMap device allows a non-contact thickness measurement with a micrometric accuracy in imaging mode. The lateral resolution (pixel size) is up to 10 µm. This allows to measure fragile or deformable, heterogeneous, or complex objects (e.g. multi-component).
State of progress
A prototype has been developed and tested in the laboratory on different types of objects and materials with performances close to the target values of 1 µm on thickness and 10 µm on lateral resolution. This relatively modular, robust and compact device could be implemented in any type of demanding work environment.
Thickness or topological imaging in R&D, quality control or failure analysis in metrology for electronics, precision micro-mechanics and MEMs, additive manufacturing, medical histology etc.

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