Global monitoring of transient phenomena in electric power network

- Synchronisation free, autonomous and high accuracy localization transient sources in power grid
- Predictive maintenance of electrical grids
Key words
- Distributed sensing
- Localisation of transients
Intellectual Property
- 1 patent
- 1 software
Partnerships & Rewards
- 2021 i-Lab French Deeptech Innovation Competition Winner
Linksium Continuum
- Maturation
- Incubation
- Acceleration
- Incorporated startups
The difficulties of predictive maintenance of power grids are related to the large spread of electrical infrastructures and the definition of early warning indicators. Such indicator is the partial discharge activities very informative about the rising insulation problems of electrical materials.
The technology is composed by distributed sensing units in charge of automatic detection of local transients and their transmission to the global processing unit and global remotely processing units for real time, automatic, synchronization free localization and classification of transient sources.
- Synchronization free localization of partial discharge sources
- Discriminant and automatic characterization of electrical transients (AI-based system)
- Accurate, automatic and cost effective solution to global monitoring of high/medium/low power grids.
State of progress
The products are available as prototypes and they are now under tests in operational conditions. The first proofs of concepts conducted since 2018 proved the potential of our technology to provide synchronisation-free accurate localization of partial discharges.
- Surveillance of high and medium power grids, well suited for underground infrastructures
- Continuous and/or on demand inspections of low voltage systems

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