RFID on the rise

- Improving the read rate of RFID-UHF tags
- Optimizing the cost of deploying UHF-RFID
- Additional data collection in RFID
Key words
- RFID reader
- Read rate
- Plug-in brick
- Canal harmonique
- Augmented Tag
Intellectual Property
- 1 patent
Linksium Continuum
- Maturation
- Commercialization
- Available licenses
The increase in e-commerce purchases, the multiplication of storage areas, or sporting events require the use of less expensive technologies that are less sensitive to disturbances and allow the identification of objects, or even people. RFID technology meets this demand and HRFID's solution is part of this market, particularly that of RFID readers. This market is estimated by Forst & Sullivan at $5 billion for 2019, with annual growth of 14% in Europe and 16% in North America.
HRFID offers a plug-in device placed between the electronic part of the reader and the reader's receiving antenna. In accordance with UHF RFID regulations and compatible with current readers, this device detects the harmonic signals generated and retro-modulated by UHF RFID tags, as additional communication channels, signals previously considered as electromagnetic pollution.
The HRFID solution separates in the frequency domain the interrogation channel used by the reader from the response channel generated by the tag. The reader's reception sensitivity is thus fully exploited, and as a result the read rate is significantly increased
- Decrease in the number of readers per zone
- Decrease in the overall cost of deploying a UHF RFID solution
- Reduction of electromagnetic pollution
- Addition of a new communication channel for data feedback, e.g. temperature
State of progress
Several studies including theory, real measurements and prototypes have already been carried out demonstrating the potential of the concept, which has been the subject of an international patent.
HRFID makes it possible to target all UHF RFID applications (inventories, product authentication, retail logistics, sporting events, etc.) with the benefit of improving the read rate, and moreover, to open up new applications for RFID in the field of sensors.

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