Flow management and project management
- Control of engineering costs
Key words
- Flow management
- Project management EDA
Partnerships & Rewards
- 2022 i-Lab French Deeptech Innovation Competition Winner
- Fonds FEDER Région Auvergne Rhône Alpes
Linksium Continuum
- Maturation
- Incubation
- Acceleration
- Incorporated startups
This DPM project develops a platform that acts as a gateway to design tools and environments, reducing the complexity of the flows.
The disruptive aspect of the project is the development of models integrating information from different domains. These models are based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework technology, which is extended to various fields to enable the pooling of vital project management information.
The platform takes the form of a single portal, thus reducing the complexity of the use of dedicated design tools. The end user sees an interface that enables him to control and manage his projects.
The platform created by the DPM project will make it possible to control all aspects of project management, including engineering costs. Indeed, not having such a tool will cause delays in the progress of projects due to less efficient team coordination.
The DPM solution is compatible with existing design software.
The project currently has a model, which is in the process of being redesigned with a view to developing a beta version. This will enable the platform to be extended to combined hardware and software design. This version will be tested by partner companies (NEC, Broadcom, Qualcomm).
State of progress
The DPM platform is aimed at applications for which the new system is decisive: choice of hardware or software components, interactions between these components, taking account of the non-functional constraints expressed by the customer, etc. Such applications could be for use in, for example, autonomous vehicles, mobile platforms (smartphones, tablets), etc.
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