SENSOFLUO | Linksium
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Easy-to-use quantitative FRET analysis

profilePhoto   Christine Melay
Linksium Contact Christine Melay +33 (0)6 21 77 19 90
National cancer institute L7en7 Lb Ovc unsplash


  • Quantitative FRET measurements
  • Available for a standard fluorescence microscope
  • One-step calibration directly on the sample
  • Robust pixelwise analysis
  • Non-specialists users

Key words

  • FRET
  • Cell analysis
  • Stoichiometry information available

Intellectual Property

  • 1 software




  • CNRS
  • UGA

Linksium Continuum

  • Commercialization


  • Available licenses


In biology, the main interest of FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer) is to measure a specific biochemical activity directly on living cells. However, the massive use of FRET biosensors is hampered by the difficulty in setting up the experiments and, above all, by a complex analysis.


Sensofluo is a software solution that proposes a new method of calibration of FRET (fluorophore + instrument) without the need to normalise before/after (relative measurement) and allowing direct comparison of different experimental conditions.

This calibration allows quantitative measurements.


Sensofluo solves the complexity of FRET analysis and allows non-specialists to access this technology with a reliable quantitative approach. The result is an absolute FRET value, independent of the experimental setup, only dependent on the biology.

State of progress

Sensofluo is a plug and play software that can be added to any type of FRET data analyser and is compatible with all types of microscopes. The POC was illustrated in a publication : A Coullomb et al. "QuanTI-FRET: a framework for quantitative FRET measurements in living cells" Scientific Reports (2020).


  • R&D in biology
  • Molecular or pharmacological screening
  • Drug discovery
  • Cosmetology