THEYEQ | Linksium
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Incorporated startups

Artificial Intelligence for Process Control & Quality Assurance

profilePhoto   Numa Schenone
Linksium Contact Numa Schenone +33 (0)7 78 09 11 94
THEYEQ Claude Roy, CEO +33 (0)4 80 94 82 10
180056 THEEYE


  • 100% quality control right out of the mould, contactless, imaging/analysis/decision in less than a second
  • Learning the concept of product quality and process control

Key words

  • Process Control
  • Thermography
  • Polarimetry
  • Deep Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence

Intellectual Property

  • 1 patent




  • USMB

Linksium Continuum

  • Maturation
  • Incubation
  • Acceleration


  • Incorporated startups


Injection molding of thermoplastics enables the production of low-cost, high-volume parts. To meet stringent specifications, it is preferable to carry out conformity checks on one hundred percent of parts. TheEye System measures the quality of plastic parts as soon as they leave the injection mold. The system was developed in the SYMME laboratory at Savoie Mont Blanc University.


TheEye System performs unconventional thermal and polarimetric imaging on hot parts, right out of the mold. Measurement takes less than a second. Measurement data is analyzed by a Deep Learning network to infer the conformity of the parts. The quality notion model is built by learning from human expertise, as new parts are produced.


TheEye System not only meets the need for 100% quality control of plastic parts as soon as they come out of the mold, while they are still hot, but also contributes to process control.

State of progress

A working prototype of TheEye System has been evaluated in industrial trials (PoC). Final product design is underway, and the system is in the industrial validation phase.


Users of TheEye System not only simplify their inspection process by integrating it into the industrial production flow, but also record all unit traceability. A control card is generated for each part, raising the level of customer satisfaction.

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