Explore and take advantage of nanoparticles

- Affordable technology
- Compact
Key words
- Nanoparticles
- High tech
- Micro and nano fabrication
Linksium Continuum
- Incubation
- Sold startups
Micro and nanoparticles synthesized in solution are considered as catalysts for future innovations, especially in the field of high technologies and healthcare. However, if scientific and industrial know-how to manufacture a wide variety of particles with unique physicochemical characteristics, by their size and type (dispersed in a liquid), these particles are difficult to study and turn into finished products.
To meet these expectations, SFT offers an equipment (SF-Research) for simply regain control of these particles by controlling their depositing and organization on all types of surfaces.
The technology is based on the capillary force assembly method. This consists of evaporating a liquid droplet containing particles above a structured surface. During evaporation, the particles are pushed into the structures. It is therefore possible to position the particles very accurately and control their organization by modifying the size and shape of the structures.
The originality of the SFT technology lies in the control of local parameters (temperature, humidity) through the use of dedicated microfluidic cells. This approach brings a high level of control over the evaporation and thus the deposition and organization of particles.
- Repeatability and robustness in depositing and organization of particles
- Highly versatile: wide range of micro and nanoparticles compatible (> 40 types of different particles already tested successfully) on any type of surface (rigid, flexible, transparent, conductive...)
- Compact and all-in-one equipment
State of progress
- The company sales products: More about the Smart Force Technologies project
- Company founded in December 2015
- Support: CNRS
- Scientific Research: to study and exploit nanomaterials of tomorrow
- For education: understanding the nanoworld
- For industry: create the next generation of electronic components (Hi-Tech) and medical diagnosis tools (Health).

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