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Bio-based thermosetting composite

profilePhoto   Christine Melay
Linksium Contact Christine Melay +33 (0)6 21 77 19 90


  • 100% bio-based
  • High thermo-mechanical stability
  • Cost effective

Key words

  • Biocomposite
  • Renewable materials
  • 3D printing
  • Injection molding

Intellectual Property

  • 1 patent
  • 1 knowhow


  • LGP2


  • CNRS
  • UGA

Linksium Continuum

  • Maturation


Today, the substitution of oil-based materials in the production of packaging and the manufacture of structural and functional objects represents a major environmental and industrial challenge. In this current socio-economic context, the research and implementation of bio-based, high-performance, cost-effective materials compatible with emerging manufacturing processes such as 3D printing, have become an unavoidable requirement.


The invention consists in the formulation of a fully bio-based composite precursor, compatible with additive manufacturing and injection molding.


100% bio-based and cost-effective material with thermomechanical properties comparable or even superior to oil-based composites.

The formulation of this biocomposite is simple with the use of commercial components available on an industrial scale.

State of progress

Functional parts were printed using a dedicated developed printer. Injection molding tests are in progress in order to adapt this new material to a bigger production scale.


The project aims to replace technical polymers in the areas of:

- 3D printing for the manufacture of prototypes/small series of technical parts resistant to heat/chemical agents.

- The plastics processing of technical polymers for the mass production of technical parts.

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