SEEVER | Linksium
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Incorporated startups

From blockchain to healthcare

profilePhoto   Numa Schenone
Linksium Contact Numa Schenone +33 (0)7 78 09 11 94
SEEVER Souvanxay Sphabmixay, CEO Cofondateur +33 (0)6 52 17 44 60


  • Securing healthcare networks
  • Improving patient care
  • Epidemiological tracking
  • Health safety

Key words

  • Blockchain
  • Emerging Highly Resistant Bacteria
  • Security
  • Databases


  • UGA

Linksium Continuum

  • Incubation


  • Incorporated startups


The whole world will have to face during incoming years one of the hazardous treat with anti-biotic resistant bacteria. This pandemic is silently growing and should lead to excess death rate around 10 million deaths per year in 2050, comparable to both added cancer and diabetes, 4 times respiratory tract infections and 8 times covid (Dec 2020).

This pandemic is not a fatality and must be controlled and prevented now, according to recommendations from O’Neill – 2017 OCDE study, WHO and epidemiologists.


The blockchain called GRAM_CHAIN will be a distributed ledger between healthcare professionals, with decentralized approval nodes delegated by healthcare authorities (ARS, SESAN in France).

SEEVER is building a consortium blockchain to share healthcare data. It has to respect both GDPR and usual medical secret sharing agreement. The databases will set as off chain, and some parts could turn to side chain. The first use will be for High Resistant Bacteria patient tracking and managing. SEEVER will then furnish technical and juridical basis that will help creating tier applications based on its technology (projects on therapeutic education in care territories in the process of obtaining an article 51 for example).


Blockchain can secure healthcare data and real time access for professionals. It can also provide a full traceability at any step of patient route. High level decisions and patient individual safety will be facilitated by this fast new network.

State of progress

There is no appropriate nor useful technical applications that could manage infected or suspected patients. And it is becoming even more needed with secured connections and GPDR compliant.

Healthcare professionals will be able to track and manage with more efficiency using trusted and real data. They will also be helped to apply sanitary protocols to infected or suspected-to-be by highly resistant bacteria.

First, SEEVER will eliminate law obstacles in order to implement them in medical secret secured sharing.


SEEVER and its partners (Grenoble Alpes University and supported by Linksium) are building a healthcare blockchain. This will be first made for secured sharing of medical data between hospitals, national and international healthcare authorities. Then, this technology can be reused for any kind of secured, trusted, auditable data sharing.

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